Saturday, March 03, 2012

Fisher Price Baby Shower cookies

Continuing with my cookie odyssey, I made some cookies for a baby shower this weekend.  Actually, I did the cupcakes and these cookie "favors"  The cookies took a lot of time to make, but they turned out very cute.  I did learn a few things during the making of these cookies.  Good, solid, knowledge that I would like to impart upon you, Dear Reader.

First off, Wilton gell coloring is not the best.  I had to use a ton of the brown to get a light brown color.  I was starting to lose my patience (those of you who know me though, know this is not saying much, lol) I recommend Americolor coloring.  I am slowly starting to acquire a color collection.  It works great.

Next, time management is an absolute requirement. DUH, right?

Third, never throw away any colors you make after you use them.  I made the pink cheeks on the monkeys.  Apparently, when I made them, I trapped air in the icing.  When they dried, all of them had holes in them from where the air bubble came to the surface and popped, leaving a pock mark or hole.  I had to go back over them with a toothpick and left over icing to fill the holes.  Thank goodness I didn't throw it away.

Finally, Always check Sweet Sugar Belle's cookie blog for pointers.  She does some amazing stuff.

I got my inspiration from the Fisher Price Baby Shower collection.

1 comment:

  1. Soniamom714:06

    Hello the r true amazing to look at. I'm having twins and I'm trying to fine someone that can make them in pink and some in blue. Inspired by you. Awsome, u r and keep up the good work.


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