Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ramadan Mubarek.

It is that time of year again. Ramadan. I can't believe it. It came so fast. To all you Muslim folks out there-Kol sena winta taybeen.
Tonight I made dinner for the mosque that Amr goes to. It is a small mosque so it turns out I am only feeding like 20 people. Beef, peas, carrots, rice, salad, hummos, pita bread pasta salad (Thanks Gene!) cupcakes, and chocolate cake. Don't think I am not going to get some for myself before it goes out the door. Amr and Ayman will be enjoying it at the mosque, I will eat it here (it is a student mosque, and mens only) and Jennah will be enjoying it thru the boob. Subhan allah.
I went to check out a different school yesterday. I was thinking this last weekend, that there was no way I could go to the school in Sacramento and still have anykind of life. School itself is like, 9 hours, there is three hours commute time as well. That is too long to have my kids being taken care of by someone else, and it leaves me no time to sleep or study, so I will be attending the longer, crappier school, that has better hours (25 minutes away, and 4 hours a day.) now I just have to come up with the money for said school. Apparently you have to live in a cardboard box to get financial aid. I have to come up with 4K myself. So I have been applying for scholarships and loans online. Totally fun. NOT. At least I have some time though-- the school starts in January, but I think I am going to end up going by myself, when before I was planning on going with friends. I don't know if it is going to work for them.
hmmmmm lets see, what else to say? I mean I know I haven't been blogging at all lately, I have been a tad bit busy. Hopefully I will have everything squared away and under control by mid October. What a relief that will be, lemme tell ya.

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